
Welcome to the Empathise page

Empathize has the meaning of understanding. Below is a link to my Interview Padlet where I interviewed a few students from my class.

Below also has a "Think, Feel, Care" grid about me interviewing my family members and asking them about not being able to go out (because my innovation idea helps the people not being able to go out). At the bottom will have Wellbeing Audits of how different elements in the school and home helps people's wellbeing.

Below is an infographic about an interview I did and the interview is the link below

My Exhibition Interview Padlet

This is my infographic. I interviewed people about my idea and what they think. I sorted the comments out into charts and put them in an infographic. If you want to see other infographics I have made, click the button below! It brings you to my infographic page.

This is my Think, Feel, Care grid, this shows the information of me interviewing my family members. I had initial predictions of what they would say and below would be what they actually said.

These four pictures show how elements of the school and home impacts our community's wellbeing.