
Looking into the future can be thrilling and terrifying. You might think, wow! Soon, I'll be able to do that! or you might think, there's no way that could happen! The future is an astounding thing to think about, and many of us will have our own hopes and dreams. This is really essential to me, because, it sets a goal for me to do when I grow up. Below are my hopes ad dreams, and what I want to happen. It could always happen. I've learnt everything is possible after I saw a child flying through the air in a park. Crazy, but it happened. Maybe it was an illusion. It could be. Oh well, anyways, enjoy reading!

In high school, I hope I will be in IHM, and be chosen for house captain.

Afterwards, maybe I could travel worldwide, and have a dog named Jumble.

I want to have a job as a pianist, maybe even an ensemble pianist.

I want to live in Canada, my country, my home.

Maybe my friends could come too, we could share a laugh.

I could try skydiving, a rather high dream for me,

or maybe, I could walk, through the thick jungle.

I want to reach a level for happiness and trust,

for I could be believed in what I say.

These are my hopes, and a few dreams as well.

They might come true, they just might.