Equity Resources

Policing and Police Brutality Resources:

Trevor Noah on George Floyd and the Dominoes of Racial Injustice and Police Brutality

Patrisse Cullors and Angela Davis The History of Black Lives Matter (and other related topics)

Read excerpts from: “When They Call You A Terrorist

Ibram X Kendi: The American Nightmare :To be Black and conscious of anti-black racism is to stare into the mirror of your own extinction

Resources for parents / teachers in how to talk to your child about racism, social justice, and current events.

Edutopia Resources: https://mailchi.mp/edutopia/resources-for-educators-on-race-and-culturally-responsive-pedagogy?e=53f8f1fcb1

Social Justice Films for Kids - https://letterboxd.com/pickfordfilm/list/social-justice-films-for-kids/detail/

100 race-conscious things you can say to your child to advance racial justice - Raising Race Conscious Children


How to talk to kids about race: https://www.prettygooddesign.org/blog/Blog%20Post%20Title%20One-5new4?fbclid=IwAR3AAUwE1fAkbSqQqC63v_J2naTtW9FqB4VzfYwOfIZRatJ_ZlYFJ-3_Pe0

Blog with Resources for kids and social justice (how to talk to kids about race, how to raise kid activities, teaching social justice, etc): https://www.rebekahgienapp.com/start/

Recommended Resources from the Teach and Transform website (by a classroom teacher, social justice advocate, and anti-bias educator): https://www.teachandtransform.org/resources

Talking to Your Kids About Racism, Police Brutality, and Protests: https://www.ahaparenting.com/ask-the-doctor-1/talking-with-children-about-racism-police-brutality-and-protests

Teaching Materials for Black Lives Matter at School: https://blacklivesmatteratschool.com/teaching-materials/

Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension: https://www.amazon.com/Being-Change-Lessons-Strategies-Comprehension/dp/0325099707

Multiple Reading Lists for kids about race, racism, current events in the media:





Additional Resources:

National Conference On Race & Equity (NCORE) Free Webinars Available Now:

Being Alive Into the Future!

Presenters: Shakti Butler and Amikaeyla Gaston

Watch Now

Grieving NCORE in the Time of COVID: Strategies for Self-Care and Engagement

Presenters: Ajia Meux, Anthony P. Natale, and Dedrick Perkins

Watch Now

Self-Care in the time of COVID - Strategies for Maintaining Intimacy, Physical Health and Mental Well-Being

Presenters: Stephanie Pelton-Miller, Emma Kupferman, and Victoria D. Stubbs

Watch Now

Discovering Common Ground Across Differences: An Innovative Course on Facilitating Difficult Conversations

Presenters: Sarah Beth Dempsey, Ed.D., Legacy Lee, Angela Rascon, Rachel Fuller, and Sihin Tsegay

Watch Now

Woke Olympics and Social Justice Arrogance

Presenter: Rev. Jamie Washington, Ph.D.

Watch Now

Navigating academia in PWCs and Universities: A guide to equip first-generation students of color to thrive in higher education

Presenter: Krystal Cruz

Watch Now

The Struggle is Too Real: Cultivating a Spirit of Resilience for the Long Haul of Diversity Leadership

Presenter: Rahuldeep Gill, Ph.D.

Watch Now

Introduction to Social Justice Models of Disability

Presenter: Julie Alexander

Watch Now

The Intersection of Strengths and Social Identity: Using the Clifton Strengths to Engage Conversation about Difference

Presenter: Daniel Almeida, PhD

Watch Now

The Dehumanization of Indigenous Women

Presenters: Emma Allen, MA, and Stephanie Cross, MA

Watch Now

Speak Out Resources

  • "Mapping Our Roles for Social Change in Times of Crisis" with Deepa Iyer WATCH (FREE)

  • “Education in the Time of Coronavirus: School, Health, Race, Social Services, and Building a More Connected Humanity in an Era of Social Distancing" with Jesse Hagopian WATCH (FREE)