Investigate Organize Generalize

INVESTIGATE: Students explore factual examples and case studies in context.

ORGANIZE: Students begin to make sense of their findings and represent aquired concepts.

GENERALIZE: Student begin to see the big picture and start to form transferable generalizations.

Google Classroom

Use Google Classroom to share out artifacts with students. Create activities that support students as they work to organize and share their learning.


Use the Seesaw application to share out content/case studies with students and create activities that support students as they work to organize and share their learning.

Google Sites

Create Google Sites to share out content resources. Sites can be used to create unit/lesson paths for students to experience. Sites can be built in ways to support student choice, access, collaboration, and communication. Provide students with ways to access content, create their own products and share with the world.

QR Codes

Provide students with easy ways to access content by scanning QR Codes. Any file type can have a QR Code attached for easy access.

Read&Write for Google

Make sure students can access all of your content by using tools with accessibility features.

Concept Based Inquiry Stages.pdf