Large and Unique Instruments

Large and Unique Instruments

You might be interested if:

        • You like to work hard, and would like a challenge

        • You would like being the only person or maybe one of a few on your instrument

        • You are a strong enough musician that you can play your own unique part

If you are interested, you must:

        1. Have a STRONG WORK ETHIC and be willing to put up with some frustration. You will need to practice every night to get to a level where you can play this instrument in band.

        2. You must take this instrument home to practice.

        3. You must take good care of the instrument. These instruments often have longer, more easily bent keys than the other band instruments.

        4. You must be able to have after school or before school lessons once a week for a few weeks.

Does it cost money?

The school provides these instruments (they would be really expensive to buy!). At this time there is no charge for the instruments; however, students are expected to take good care of them. The school will pay for routine maintenance, but if the student were to drop the instrument or mouthpiece or have another accident that causes damages, the family would be expected to pay for the repair.

You will need to purchase a Standard of Excellence Book for the new instrument, reeds, and accessories. Be award that oboe and bassoon reeds are fairly expensive; see the chart below.

How will you pick who gets to play these instruments?

It is important that the student and the instrument be a good match. Students who already play certain instruments will do better on some of these either because they can already read the notes, or the fingering or mouth is similar. I will make a decision based on your work ethic so far in band, how well you do when trying the instrument out, and possibly have try-outs if needed.

How do I make the transition from the old instrument to the new one?

Until the student can accurately play the first 6-8 notes, they will still play their old instrument in band class. This can take from 2-8 weeks.

What if I try it for a while and decide I don’t like it?

You can always go back to your old instrument! I always recommend even if students love the new instrument, to wait a few months before returning the old one (if it’s a rental), just in case you change your mind.

List - Large/Unique Instruments