Reading Expectations

Students are expected to read each and every day. We spend the first 15 minutes of EVERY ELA class period reading independently. Students are allowed to choose any text they would like. We go to the library every Wednesday. πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š

Below you will find the 3 choices students have to share the books they are reading when they finish. Students have access to all the editable versions and hardcopies in the Google Classroom.

Copy of Netflix Template - Google Slides


Using the template (editable copy for students is in the Google Classroom), students share the book they read. Information should include title, author and key details.

My Reading Year 2021-2022

My Reading Year

Students create a Google slide presentation. Each slide is a book they have read to including title, author, and key details.

I have shared my Google Slide show from last year as an example.

Book Spines

Students can choose from a variety of spines. They will decorate and include such details as title, author, and how they would rate the book.