COVID Related College Info

UNC Board of Governors – Testing Waiver for Admissions 

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on testing availability and the likelihood of additional cancellations, the UNC Board of Governors waived the standardized test requirement for first-year students applying for admission in Spring 2021, Summer 2021, and Fall 2021.

Students have the option to submit test scores to the 16 public universities in the UNC System, but test scores will not be required for admissions decisions. Students who do not submit an ACT or SAT test score must meet the minimum weighted GPA requirement of 2.5 to be considered for undergraduate admissions.



Greetings from Charlottesville,

I hope this finds you and your family and students safe, well, and healthy during this challenging and disruptive time.

 Here at UVA, we understand that the college admission process can be confusing and stressful, even in the best of times. So it’s natural to have questions about how the coronavirus pandemic will affect, and possibly change, the college search and admission processes for next year and beyond. Of course, there is a great deal we don’t know at the moment, but here in Charlottesville we are thinking about how this impacts you and your students, and we are committed to examining our admission policies, programs, and opportunities to ensure that they are fair and equitable and reflect the reality of the times. We shared similar information with all prospective students in our system as well. 

 Please know that students will not be at a disadvantage in the admission process as a result of school closures and cancellations associated with standardized testing. Students are not responsible for things they cannot control. With most high schools closed for the spring semester, we will need to be flexible when evaluating transcripts and academic course work, and we will continue to monitor the state of standardized testing nationally and abroad. If testing is cancelled through the summer and into the fall, we will need to discuss our testing requirements for next year. Our enrollment deposit deadline remains May 1, but we will monitor the situation over the next several weeks to determine if changes to our schedule need to be considered.

Since UVA is operating on a modified schedule, prospective students cannot visit the University, but we are developing online tools to help them get a better understanding of our community and culture. These opportunities may include live-streamed faculty and student panels, webinars, virtual tours, Instagram takeovers, and UVA student videos on TikTok. We will be in touch with prospective and admitted students over the next few weeks and months to share details about these new virtual events.

 I hope this information is useful. These are stressful and difficult times, and the most important thing is for all of us to remain healthy and safe.

 We are extremely grateful for your support and partnership. If you need anything or have questions, please call 434-982-3200 or email We are here to help you.

Best Wishes,

Greg W. Roberts

Dean of Undergraduate Admission

University of Virginia

The chorus of the John Lennon song “Nobody Told Me” (Google it!) includes the refrain:

Nobody told me there’d be days like these, strange days indeed, strange days indeed.

But even a talented bard like Lennon would’ve had trouble predicting the strange days we currently find ourselves living.

As higher education professionals dedicating our careers to helping students in the high school-to-college transition, we are, indeed, in strange days. The conventions we’ve created and honored for years are suddenly changing, shifting under our feet, and evolving as we each deal with the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic in our schools, our communities, and even in our own families.

So, while these strange days may have us questioning, adjusting, and even scrapping time-honored traditions and ways of business, please know that – in admissions at Vanderbilt – the following values remain true:

1. Context matters. There’s no doubt that high school transcripts for this year’s and future year’s applicants will look different. There will be pass/fail grades where there once were As and Bs. There will be tests untaken, chances to improve foregone, and letters of recommendation truncated. But as it always has been at Vanderbilt, context dictates how we read files. And in unprecedented times, context will take on unprecedented importance. You have our pledge that as this crisis evolves, so too will our use of context in the admissions process. But it will never relinquish its central place in our evaluation of the files of your students. Holism has, and will remain, the byword of our admissions process.

2. Community matters. Never has this been made more apparent than in the last two weeks as we watched our students leave campus, fail to return from spring break, or be placed in lockdown in their hometowns. Vanderbilt’s commitment to the ideals of residential education remains strong and undiminished. What this means in an era of pandemic remains to be seen. Just as you are finding ways to build community virtually, so is Vanderbilt. As it relates to the college search, this means new (and exciting) online technologies are being employed – stretching us beyond our comfort zones and forcing us to become as adept with technology as the digital natives we seek to attract to campus.

3. Involvement matters. Sure – your applicant’s extracurricular charts will look different in coming years. No future applicant will have had the lead in the school musical in spring 2020. No one will be regional tennis champ in spring 2020; no one will have won an election for junior class officer in spring 2020. But that doesn’t mean they won’t be making impacts in the new environment. Some applicants will actually have time to play music, create, read for pleasure, or develop new and interesting hobbies. Some will find themselves with increasing family responsibilities or the need to undertake a part-time job. Regardless of the circumstances your students find themselves in, we’ll understand. It all goes back to context. How future applicants cope with this period of pandemic will certainly be a topic on which we will read many essays in the coming years. Reassure your students that we get it. We understand. And we can’t expect extracurricular activities grids to look the same in the near future.

4. Connection matters. In this increasingly complex and ever-evolving crisis, our commitment to be available to you and your students is as strong as ever. Through email, phone, and video conferencing, we pledge to serve you with as much vigor as we ever have. Though our team is currently working remotely, you should feel free to call or email us if you have questions about our process. Encourage your student – and yes, even their parents – to call or email. We’ll give every answer we can, and if we don’t know the answer because of the constantly changing coronavirus landscape, we’ll seek it out or tell you we simply don’t know right now.

And finally,

5. We are all in this together. And that’s the irony of the current social distancing we are all practicing. Even in our physical separation, we are all connected – globally – by this unprecedented health crisis. And like all folks in isolation, we find ourselves taking stock, assessing our place, and figuring out a new way to move forward – for ourselves and for our students. This must be as true for you as it is for Vanderbilt. We are all looking for novel ways to connect and to be as productive as we’ve been accustomed to being.

We look forward to a time when we can again welcome your students to campus, visit your schools, and attend conferences with you. In the meantime, we hope you’ll stay safe, wash your hands, and listen to some good jams. Lennon’s a great place to start!


John & Doug

John O. Gaines

Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Douglas L. Christiansen

Dean of Admissions

P.S.: Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25, we release admissions decisions for our regular decision applicants who can access their decisions via their MyAppVU portals just after 5:00 PM central time. On their portal, they will see their decision as well as their financial aid package. We have modeled an entering class which should include a number of students from our waitlist, and we are maintaining our traditional candidate’s response date of May 1. As always, we will work closely with families who need assistance in meeting that reply date.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions   ·   2305 West End Avenue   ·   Nashville, TN 37203-1727

Website   ·   Email   ·   P: 615-322-2561   ·   800-288-0432   ·   F: 615-343-7765