Frequently Asked Questions
Click on each question for the answer.
Didn't answer your question here?
Contact your counselor for answers.
Q: Who is my Counselor at NBHS?
At North Buncombe High School our students are assigned a counselor by last name.
Ms. Jessica Graham is the counselor for students whose last name begins with A-F.
Ms. Cynthia Lehosit Rilea is the counselor for students whose last name begins with G-O.
Ms. Betsy Boggs is the counselor for students whose last name begins with P-Z.
Q: What are the possibilities of getting my schedule changed?
Once school starts in the fall or spring semester, these are the reasons you can request a schedule change:
You are a senior and I am missing a class for graduation in my schedule.
You failed a previous class and need to retake it.
Have a class in your schedule you already passed.
You have a level 2 and have not take the level 1 of that class.
You would like to change the level of my class (standard, honors, or AP)
Your schedule is heavily loaded with academics one semester and electives in another.
You have a "course conflict" listed in my schedule.
You have an AB Tech class or NCVPS issue.
Q: How do I request a schedule change?
Please use the SCHEDULE REQUEST GOOGLE FORM found on the NBHS Counseling Page to request a schedule change for the school year AFTER you have received your schedule.
Q: How do I sign up for an AB Tech class?
If you are a JUNIOR or SENIOR with at least an unweighted 2.8 GPA, you will use a PLACEHOLDER in your schedule. You will complete an AB Tech application if you are eligible for AB Tech classes. Click here for AB Tech application. The class name will be added to your schedule at the beginning of the semester. You will contact Becky Garland, the AB Tech liaison, or Mrs. Rilea for more information. Also, you can view more information on the upperclassmen page.
Q: How do I sign up for a NCVPS class?
If you are a SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR or SENIOR with at least at 3.00 GPA, you will use a NCVPS PLACEHOLDER in your schedule. The class will be added to your schedule at the beginning of the semester. You will contact Mrs. Graham or Mr. McElrath for more information and questions about course offering. Also, you can view more information on the upperclassmen page.
Q: How do I sign up for to be a Mid Year Grad or spares for my senior year?
FOR SENIORS ONLY!!! Mid year grads need to complete the Mid Year Grad statement, add 4 spares for the spring semester & fill out the Spare Contract Form. Copies can be found in the counseling office.
Seniors who would like one or more spares need to:
Make sure you have enough credits to graduate BEFORE adding the spares
If you are playing a sport in the spring, you can only have ONE spare in the fall.
Spares can only be 1st, 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th or 4th. You can not have a spare in the middle of the day
Contracts are located on the Upperclassmen Registration Page or in the counseling office.
Seniors who would like to Graduate Mid-Year
You MUST meet all graduation requirements
You will need to have 24 credits (or the appropriate number based on your high school path) going into your senior year
You will select the 4 remaining classes and 4 spring spares in your senior schedule
Complete the Mid-Year Graduation contract
Check in with you counselor to confirm
Q: I failed a what?
There are several options to make up a credit.
Repeat the class by adding it to your schedule (this suppresses the previous F on your transcript with the new passing grade)
Complete a Credit Recovery class during the school day or after school in Twilight Program
Complete Credit Recovery during summer school
Contact your counselor with questions regarding these options.
Q: What are the qualifications for NC Endorsements
Global Languages Endorsement indicating proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English.
Unweighted 2.5 GPA or above for the four English courses required for graduation
Establish proficiency and complete a four-course sequence of study in the same world language in addition to English, earning an overall Unweighted GPA of 2.5 or above in those courses
NC Academic Scholars Endorsement indicating that students have completed a balanced and academically rigorous high school program preparing them for post-secondary education. The following must be completed:
Math I, II, III and a higher level fourth math
Three units of science: Earth/Enviro, Bio, and Physics or Chemistry
Four units of required social studies required by BCS
Two units of a World Language (other than English)
Four elective credits in any one subject area
At least three honors or AP classes taken during the Junior and Senior year.
Unweighted GPA of at least 3.5
College/UNC Endorsement indicating readiness for entry into a four-year university in the University of North Carolina system. The following must be completed:
Math I, II, III and a higher level fourth math
Three units of science required by BCS
U.S. History or equivalent
Two units of a World Language (other than English)
Earn a weighted GPA of at least 2.5
Earn at least the benchmark reading score on the ACT or SAT
College Endorsement indicating readiness for entry into community colleges. The following must be completed:
Math I, II, III and a higher level fourth math
Unweighted GPA of at least 2.6
Earn at least the benchmark reading score on the ACT or SAT
Career Endorsement indicating completion of a rigorous course of study that includes a Career Technical Education concentration. The following must be completed:
Math I, II, III and a higher level fourth math
CTE concentration
Earn unweighted GPA of at least 2.6
Earn one industry recognized credential. Example would include Silver or above on WorkKeys assessment.
Earn at least the benchmark reading score on the ACT or SAT
Q: I'm interested in playing sports at the college level. What are the NCAA Eligibility requirements?
A: Go here for all your NCAA Eligibility Questions: