
Course: Science Grade 8 Teacher: Mr. Aiken

Meeting Times: MTWRF Location: Room 307


Phone: (828) 686-7739 ext. 307

Course Information:

“Traditional laboratory experiences provide opportunities to demonstrate how science is constant, historic, probabilistic, and replicable. Although there are no fixed steps that all scientists follow, scientific investigations usually involve collections of relevant evidence, the use of logical reasoning, the application of imagination to devise hypotheses, and explanations to make sense of collected evidence. Student engagement in scientific investigation provides background for understanding the nature of scientific inquiry. In addition, the science process skills necessary for inquiry are acquired through active experience. The process skills support development of reasoning and problem-solving ability and are the core of scientific methodologies. ”

Course Objectives:

1. Understand the properties of matter and changes that occur when matter interacts in an open and closed container.

2. Explain the environmental implications associated with the various methods of obtaining, managing, and using energy resources.

3. Understand the hydrosphere and the impact of humans on local systems and the effects of the hydrosphere on humans.

4. Understand the history of Earth and its life forms based on evidence of change recorded in fossil records and landforms.

5. Understand the hazards caused by agents of diseases that effect living organisms.

6. Understand how biotechnology is used to affect living organisms.

7. Understand how organisms interact with and respond to the biotic and abiotic components of their environment.

8. Understand the evolution of organisms and landforms based on evidence, theories and processes that impact the Earth over time.

9. Understand the composition of various substances as it relates to their ability to serve as a source of energy and building materials for growth and repair of organisms.

Topical Outline:

1. Lab Safety, Measurement

2. Properties of Matter and Chemistry

3. Ecosystems

4. Evolution

5. Earth History

6. Energy Resources

7. Cell Biology and Disease

8. Hydrosphere

a. Freshwater

b. Marine

9. EOG Review

Learning Management System:

Canvas is used to post classroom materials, assignments, Labs, etc. I do NOT use google classroom. 


Students are required to sign up for the Remind App (Even if they don’t have a phone).  

Required Materials:

All students should bring the following every class period:

1. Laptop and Charger

2. Writing Utensil

3. Current Unit Folder


The Nine Weeks Grade is a weighted average based on the following categories of assignments:

Classwork/Labs 15%

Unit Folders 20%

Quiz 25%

Exams 40%

Assignments and Assessments


These are the daily assignments done in class and for homework. It is normal for multiple grades of this type to be taken per class period. These assignments can be digital (Canvas) or on paper. 

Unit Folders

Each student is required to keep a pocket folder for each unit. In this folder will be all notes, assignments, handouts, reviews, etc. At the end of each unit, the folders are taken up and checked for completeness and organization. 


These are short summative assessments. These can be digital or paper based. Quizzes don’t have to be announced.


Exams are all multiple-choice assessments ranging between 20-50 questions. All exams are paper based.

Late Work:

I accept late assignments up to midterm and the end of the nine weeks, depending on when it was assigned. There is a 5-point penalty per day if the assignment is late (Max 35 Points). 

Quizzes and Exams are made up the day the student returns to class if missed.

Lab Fee:

In a regular school year, it costs about $750 to purchase all the materials for the laboratory experiences, classroom demonstrations, and other materials needed for a laboratory course. We receive $0 from the state or school board for these expenses. It is for this reason we must ask our 8th grade parents for a $5-$10 donation to the 8th grade science account. We can accept check or cash. Also, no student is in any way penalized for not being able to or choosing not to make a lab donation. Please make checks out to Owen Middle School.

Lab Safety Contract:

All students and their parents/guardians must sign a laboratory contract that details the laboratory safety rules and regulations before a student can participate in ANY laboratory experience at OMS.

Special Class Policies

Because the science classroom is also a teaching laboratory, there are special rules every student must follow while in attendance:

1. Drinks must be in a sealed container. They are to be put on the back center counter. If a student needs a drink during class, he or she may do so. 

2. Absolutely no eating is allowed in the classroom by students. This includes gum.

3. If a lab activity is set up, then students may NOT use the lab station to plug in their laptops. 

4. No students are allowed in the prep room without teacher supervision and permission. 

5. Absolutely no students are allowed in the chemical closet.

6. No student may take a photo, video, or use the likeness of another student without that students express and explicit permission. No student EVER has permission to photograph or video me at any time in any manner. 

Classroom Discipline Plan:

I follow the CHAMP system for classroom experiences. Champ stands for Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation. Each level has different requirements moving from the most restrictive to the least restrictive.

Champ 1: No Conversation

Raise your hand for help

Activity: Independent work/Test/Quiz

No Movement

Participation Required

Champ 2: Talk softly with group only

Raise hand for help

Activity: Group Work

No movement

Participation Required

Champ 3: Talk softly with Lab Partners

Raise your hand for help

Activity: LABS

Movement as required for Labs

Participation Required

Champ 4: Take with anyone in the class

Come to the Teacher for help

Activity: Usually None

Movement as directed by teacher

Participation is not required


Step Action Taken

1 Warning

2 Lunch Detention + Minor Referral

3 Bounce to separate classroom + Minor Referral

4 Call to Admin – Major Referral

For severe discipline infractions, I can skip the above steps are immediately call for administration to remove any student. If a student “forgets” to serve lunch detention, then another day is added (two total). If he or she fails to serve again, it is a major referral. 

Late to Class:

A student is late to class when he or she is not completely through the threshold of the classroom door before the tardy bell finishes ringing. If the teacher tells you that you are tardy, then you are tardy. Do not argue the point. The occurrences reset every nine weeks.

Occurrence Consequence 

1-3 Warning if arrives within 2 minutes of the tardy bell 

4-5 or arrives 2+ min late Lunch Detention + Minor Referral

6+ or arrives 7+ minutes late Major Referral

If a student has a pass from another teacher, then the tardy is excused, and the above is not applicable.

Leaving Class Early

Once students come through the classroom door, must ask me to leave the classroom, regardless if the tardy bell has rung or not. No student is allowed to drop their stuff and leave the room. 

If a student needs to leave the classroom, he or she must first receive my explicit permission. Then, sign out on the “Classroom Sign Out” Form in Canvas. Any student who is gone more than 5 minutes could be written up for cutting class. 

If a student is checked out or has a school sponsored activity that requires him or her to miss class, they are responsible for making up any work missed in a timely manner.