Class Information

Third grade is a big year! Students are expected to become responsible and independent learners this year.

This year your child will be receiving letter grades instead of the 1, 2, 3, or 4 they have received in the past. There will be many grades that are averaged into the report card grade. The grading scale is a 10-point scale. It is as follows: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60=69, F=below 60. Please review graded work with your child and keep in mind that everyone is new to letter grading procedures. Grades will be posted in Powerschool. Parents should have access to Powerschool if you need assistance logging in contact the office staff.

We use Google Classroom as our learning management system for students to use with their 1:1 devices.

We use Class Dojo as our classroom management tool. Class dojo is a website that allows teachers to give students immediate feedback for their behaviors, positive and negative. Families can sign up for Class Dojo and that will allow you to see your student’s progress at any time. Class Dojo also allows easy communication between teachers and student’s families.

For more information visit the ABC's of our classroom by clicking HERE.