About Third Grade

Your child has mastered the fundamentals in 1st grade and 2nd grade, and is now ready to thrive through 3rd grade! But it’s not just another year: This grade is a very important time in your child’s education, because it’s when students transition from what are often known as the “lower grades” to the “upper grades.” It is a crucial period in students’ learning as they become more independent and mature learners.

In 3rd grade, students progress from practicing basic skills to mastering them, and move on to develop more complex skills. For instance, your third grader will become a savvy reader, writer, mathematician, and thinker this year, digging deeper into topics and analyzing what they learn.

The 3rd grade classroom itself likely won’t seem that different: It is structured like most elementary school classrooms, with desks or tables for the students and usually an area for lessons and class meetings. As with previous grades, there are often also areas dedicated to different subjects of learning. For instance, there may be a spot for math tools and supplies, plus a class library dedicated to reading. However, this year, technology becomes an even more important part of the classroom as students use it for writing and research.

~ Excerpted from Scholastic’s, “The Guide to 3rd Grade”



Once initial school supplies have been purchased, keep in mind that those supplies need to be replenished during the course of the year. We use the following consumable supplies on a daily basis: glue sticks, colored pencils, #2 Ticonderoga pencils, and headphones. Please make sure your child has a water bottle to bring to school each day.

Buncombe County Board Policy #4400 – The Buncombe County Board of Education believes that regular school attendance is of crucial importance for educational achievement, that learning experiences that occur in the classroom are essential components of its learning process, that time lost from class tends to be irretrievable in terms of opportunity for instructional interaction, and therefore, that each student should attend school every day.


Daily attendance at school is very important! If your child isn’t at school, they can’t learn. 3rd grade is the first year of the upper elementary grades and presents a shift in the intensity and speed of the material presented. Missing just one day can deprive a student of the main lesson of a unit, which makes it difficult for them to adequately attain the knowledge they need for that unit.

If your child must be absent for an appointment, please try to arrange for them to be out of school during the last part of the day - anytime after 1:30 pm.


If your child is absent, please be sure to send a note to their teacher on the day they return to school. The school data manager will enter the absence into the system as excused or unexcused. For more information on what determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused, please see the FES Parent/Student Handbook.


If your child has a fever or is throwing up, please keep them at home, as they are contagious. They must stay home until 24 hours after the fever has broken without the aid of medication (per BCS Parent Handbook). If you receive a call about your child being sick, please make sure you have arrangements in place for you or someone else to immediately pick them up.


Please try your best to have your child at school on time! Classes begin at 7:55 am, but adult supervision for students begins at 7:15 am in the cafeteria. Being in the classroom by 7:30 gives students the opportunity to unpack their belongings, eat breakfast, use the bathroom, and complete morning work without being in a rush.

Transportation Changes

Per the BCS Parent Handbook, any changes made in student transportation once the day has begun must be made through the office. If you have a transportation change you may send an email or a note to your child’s teacher by 8:00 that day - no changes will be accepted through the teacher at any other time. All other changes must be made through the office. This is for your child’s safety.


Please be sure to communicate with your child's teacher about anything that might adversely impact your child's physical or social-emotional condition. It is very helpful for teachers to have enough information to help a child have a successful day.