Passion Projects

Passion Projects create a culture among students and teachers that allows for free exploration of passions, failure, and experimentation. Students are encouraged to take risks within a safe, nurturing environment. During this time, students explore ideas, solve problems, generate products, peer review, and make their learning public. This time provides opportunities for students to solidify both content skills as well as those soft skills necessary towards a productive work life after the educational path ends.

What is Genius Hour.pdf
How'd We Get Here.mp4

Plastic Ocean: How'd We Get Here?

PSE Genius Hour Spring 2018 Guided Project
Genius Hour Food Deserts
Plastic Ocean

Genius Hour, an idea that is beginning to make inroads in the world of education, is an example of a learner-centered strategy that empowers students and takes them on a systematic journey to deeper levels of learning.

Students put finishing touches on the PSE Blessing Box before it is install.


A student celebrates his working conveyor belt which is part of a larger Lego Sorter project.

Guided Genius Hour Project: Food Deserts

Guided Genius Hour Project: Plastic Pollution