News is meant to inform citizens of current events. However, some "news" exists solely to mislead the public or sway opinion. Own your point of view by knowing the facts before you make a decision about a topic. Bias is everywhere. Know how to spot it. Be the author of your opinions with a solid, factual base. Be a critical analyzer of information in all its forms. Know the author (source) and purpose or intention of the information. Cross reference information to test its legitimacy.
fake news
fact checking and bias
Use these resources to check facts and bias.
current events
How do I find and print full news articles ?
Many newspapers will let you print daily articles from their websites. Some will require subscriptions. Use an extension (e.g. Diigo, Read and Write, Chrome settings) to create a page in readable format for printing. Historical (yesterday and beyond) news articles are available through our databases, ProQuest and Gale OneFile. Please contact for database password information or instruction.
evaluating websites
Know your website domains: (having one of these extensions does NOT ensure accuracy or valid information.
.com = commercial
.gov = government
.edu = education
.org = non-profit organization
.net = network resources
.mil = military

Use this worksheet to evaluate websites, news articles, popular magazine articles.

Here's another version of an evaluation worksheet that includes "objectivity".