

Botetourt County Attendance Policy:

Please review the Botetourt County Attendance Policy

Facts About School Attendance:

Did you know that by missing 10%, or about 18 days of school, that your student's academic success could drastically affected?

Did you know that by 6th grade, absenteeism is one of the three signs that student may drop out of high school?

Did you know that by 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores?

Did you know that students can be chronically absent even if they only miss a day or two every few weeks?

Botetourt County Public Schools has an attendance policy that is designed to help our students be successful academically and ready for college and/or career when the graduate high school. Please read the Attendance Policy in full in the Student Handbook.

Did you know that a middle school student may not pass this year's grade level only because of 20 absences or more in one class?

The School Counseling Office is here to support you if you have concerns about your student's attendance. If you have questions about your student's attendance, please call a counselor at 473-8333.

Chronic absence from school is a problem across the nation. Please see the handout for information on keeping your child on track in middle and high school.