COVID Information

Dear families,

As you have heard, Baltimore City Schools has made a change to masking policy and masks become optional for students, staff, and visitors beginning this Monday, March 14 in all schools, including Creative City Public Charter School.

We respect the choices that individuals and families make about continuing - or discontinuing - the use of face masks. We have reinforced with our staff and students that all choices about masking will be valid and supported.

If you wish for your child to continue wearing a mask, please send them to school wearing one. However, note that we are limited in our options to enforce masking during the school day if a student removes or refuses the mask that is sent with them from home. We will continue to provide spare masks as needed to students, staff or visitors who request one.

The following COVID safety measures remain unchanged:

- weekly asymptomatic pooled testing

- on-site follow-up testing for members of positive pools

- ample hand sanitizer in classrooms, offices, and common spaces (including hallways)

ample masks to be provided to children or adults upon request

- MERV-13 filters in all compatible HVAC units throughout the building

- HEPA air purifiers in all instructional and office areas of the building

- contact tracing managed by Baltimore City Schools' central office in the event of a positive case in our community

- careful monitoring of the health of those in our building and immediate referral to the health suite if any COVID-like symptoms arise

Thank you for your trust and support as we navigate this change in district policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by calling our main office at 443-642-3600 or reaching out by email.

Thank you,

Ms. Canino, Ms. Mathena, and Mr. Peterson

Free At-home COVID-19 Tests

COVID Testing Consent Form

For those of you who still need to complete the COVID-19 Testing Consent Form, please use this link to complete it online. This needs to be completed EVEN IF YOU ARE OPTING OUT of testing.

Please Note: If you OPT OUT of the testing provided here at the school, you are agreeing to provide the school weekly testing results (from a Health Care Provider) at your own expense by Wednesday of each week.

Here is the link that you can fill out online and send it directly to Ms. Judd our Health and Safety Coordinator at Thank you.

Take the Technology Needs Survey TODAY!

Because of the possibility that school districts could return to a virtual or hybrid model, Creative City would like to gauge your family's need for a laptop and/or a hotspot so that your child(ren) can access their education. Please take the survey here.