Kentucky Libraries Unbound Consortium 


In the fall of 2006, a group of Kentucky public libraries joined together to provide their patrons with downloadable eBooks, audiobooks, and Magazines. This group became the Kentucky Libraries Unbound Consortium. With 110 member libraries as of Fall 2022, the consortium is spread throughout all parts of Kentucky. The KLU collection is hosted by Overdrive.

The Four Most Important Links For KLU Members

Overdrive Marketplace

Where members buy materials, get statistics, download MARC records and request support (Fill out the KLU New Marketplace User form below if a new account needs to be made )

Overdrive Status

Where you can check for and track any services outages

KLU homepage

 Where patrons browses the collection, checks out titles and manages their account

The browser version of Libby, will let Kindle fire users access our magazines on their devices as well as be how advantage users can access the new Streaming Video and Database links

Important Forms

KLU Listserv

Please sign up for the KLU listserv. This is how all updates, votes and general consortium wide communication will occur. The listserv makes it possible to have consortium wide discussions about anything we would be voting on as well as giving everyone a way to reach out to all of the members at once should there be any issues.

FY25 KLU Required Forms

Updated 6/26/2024