Walnut Springs ISD 

Special Education Team at Walnut Springs ISD

Director of Special Education, Michelle Roberson

Superintendent, Pat Garret

Principal, Teddy Ott and Lonnie Flippen

Educational Diagnostician, Tami Prause

LSSP Intern, BCBA/LBA, ASD Specialist, IBST Coordinator, Cassi St. Clair

Speech Language Pathologist, Becky Thompson

Speech Therapist, Robin Vaughn

Special Education Counselor, Charles Bellows

Transition Coordinator, Kevin Brister

Special Education Teacher, Johnathan Harbour


Child Find is a federal mandate under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  It requires local education agencies (LEAs), which include public school districts and charter schools, to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities residing within their jurisdictions who need special education and related services.  (34 CFR §300.111—Child find)

Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities. For more information please visit: https://childfindtx.tea.texas.gov/  -or- http://www.parentcompanion.org/

If you live in Walnut Springs, and you suspect an infant, child or young adult of having a developmental delay or disability, please contact Walnut Springs ISD, 254-797-2133, or Bosque County Special Education Cooperative, 254-435-6098 for more information!  The infant, child or young adult might be eligible for evaluation and services at no cost!