Join us to accelerate ambitious climate action.

Application has closed.


The Climate Change Branch of the BC Council for International Cooperation is a youth-led team that focuses on providing sound and evidence-based policy recommendations to all levels of governments and representing the interest of BC youth at climate negotiations and conferences worldwide. As a part of the expansion, BCCIC Climate Change is looking to fill the following volunteer positions in our Policy & Research Division, Multilateral Affairs Division, and Public Affairs Division.

See position descriptions here.

Policy & Research Division

Multilateral Affairs & International Negotiations Division

Administrative & Strategic Affairs Division

Current Volunteers

If you are currently a volunteer for the BCCIC Climate Initiative and you are interested in continuing with BCCIC Climate Change, please visit here ➔

Interested in Applying?

Please make sure to read the benefits and minimum eligibility requirement for the volunteer program, and review the responsibilities and description of the position you are interested in. Then, you can apply here.

Have a Question?

Please do not hesitate to contact us at