Chapter Concerns

How open is the BCBP to adjusting to changing times, changing work schedules, changing demands and careers of our target market?

Q16 BCBP Adjusting to Changing Times.mp4

How long should an Action Group Leader be serving as Action Group Leader?

Q33 How long should and AGL be an AGL.mp4

Is there an age limit for Action Group Leaders?

Q36 Age limit for AGLs.mp4

How do we approach members who do not submit to the authority of their leaders and  even malign the leaders on social media?

Q26 Submission to Authority.mp4

Sometimes we feel the formation programs and inputs we get from our pastoral leaders are lacking in depth, and we resort to looking for formation outside the community, is this being addressed by the BCBP? 

Q12 Community Formation Programs lacking in depth, members clamoring for more.mp4

Can we forego of our Action Group Meetings when we have an on-going Christian Life Program?

Q64 AGM's set aside in favor of BCLP.mp4

If a Chapter has only a few committed members, can the governance team also act as Action Group Leaders?

Q40 Chapter with a few committed members.mp4

Do we practice delegation of authority we have learned in "Steward Leaders' Training?

Q63 Delegation of authority as learned from SLT.mp4

Are Teaching Nights to be done only on Fridays?

Q58 Are Teching Nights only during Fridays?.mp4

Please comment on a proposal to invite in-active members to serve as Discussion Leaders in the CLP so that they can be active again.

Q60 Reactivating in-active members by making them DL's.mp4

Are there other prayer formats? Many in the Chapter are still using ACTS

Q57 About ACTS as a prayer format.mp4

If the total active members in the chapter already reach 100, shouldn't the chapter be already split into two chapters?

Q49 Splitting Chapters.mp4

How often should we regroup our Action Groups?

Q55 How often should we re-group AGs.mp4

We used to number BCLP's and BCMR's Separately. With the (new) basic formation program, should our BCMR's follow the BCLP Number? 

Q46 Numbering BCLPs and BCMRs.mp4

During First Friday / Teaching Nights, can the First Friday Mass be omitted?

Q56 Can the First Friday Mass be dispensed with?.mp4

Can the wife of the Action Group Leader lead the Action Group Meeting?

Q37 Wife leading the AGM.mp4

What do we do with members who ONLY attend Action Group Meetings

Q18 Members only attending AGM's.mp4

Can we group members in formation with committed members?

Q11 Grouping Members in Formation with Committed Members.mp4

Can we have teaching nights for members in formation separate from regular committed members?

Q23 Separate Teaching Nights for Members in Formation.mp4

With the New Basic Formation Program, are members better now than before?

Q31 Members then and now, does Basic Formation make a difference.mp4

How do we handle members who have been in-active for more than a year and want to go back to active status?

Q2 Returning Members and in-active Members.mp4

Since we lack sharers in our Chapter, can we have breakfasts without a sharing?

Q65 BCBP Breakfasts w:o Sharing?.mp4

How do we handle members who no longer want to be part of the chapter and want to transfer to other chapters?

Q71 Transfer of members to other chapters.mp4

How important is music to our AGM's and assemblies? We heard you comment that it is no longer encouraged in these activities, please clarify.

Q67 Music in the Assemblies and AGM's.mp4

How long can members be Members in Formation if they have not completed the Basic Formation Tracks? 

Q42 Overstaying Members in Formation.mp4

Please comment on the term "Sister Wife or Wife-Sister" and "Brother Husband" 

Q44 Sister Wife and Brother Husband.mp4

How about drifting Action Group Leaders? What about members who want to be assigned to "more better" leaders

Q66 Drifting AGL's.mp4

Can members of other renewal groups (CFC, BLD, LNP) who want to join the BCLP be exempted from the talks they have already taken in their old communities?

Q54 Members coming from other Renewal Groups.mp4

What are your thoughts on Senior Leaders being re-integrated into their chapters as ordinary members in action groups. 

Q1 Senior Leaders in AGs.mp4

What do you do with action groups who do not want to be re-organized? 

Q68 AG's that do not want to be reorganized.mp4