Seminar Participation (10%)

Attendance and participation in seminar are integral to your success in this course. You must come to class prepared to discuss the assigned readings as well as the progress you have made in your own fieldwork


Field Notes (30%)

You are expected to email me all of the field notes you construct for this class as you complete them. Do not include any identifying information about anyone but yourself or fellow ethnographers in these notes. Be sure to include how many hours of fieldwork each submission reflects.


Working Theory Memos (30%)

In anticipation of your solo report or collaborative manuscript, you will submit four "working theory" memos (approximately 1,000 words each). These are mostly exercises to get you to put your fieldwork in conversation with extant scholarship. Those participating in the gig work study and the courtroom study will be given access to others’ field notes as well as recommended readings. Specific expectations will be discussed in seminar. You are required to submit an IRB application or be added to one of the IRB-approved projects for the class by the time you submit your first working theory memo.


Solo Report or Collaborative Manuscript (30%)

At the end of the semester, you’ll either a) submit a a solo research report (approximately 3,000 words) or b) coproduce a collaborative manuscript for the gig work study or courtroom study (length TBD). If you opt to write a solo report, you must draw on your fieldwork, course readings, and extant scholarship relevant to your case. In addition to summarizing your research, solo reports must critically reflect on the ethnographic craft. If you contribute to a collaborative manuscript, you are expected (but not mandated) to continue working on the project in the post-course workshop.