Cryptospores and the Origin of Land Plants

Recent Research

Taylor, W.A. & Paul K. Strother. 2024. Plant evolution: A tapetum is now effectively found in all plant lineages. Current Biology, 34 (4) PR146-R148.

Strother, P.K. 2023. An evo-devo perspective on no Ordovician land plants. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 2023, 72, 1, 102–105

McCourt, Richard M., Louise A. Lewis, Paul K. Strother, Charles F. Delwiche, Norman J. Wickett, Jan de Vries & John L. Bowman. 2023. Green land: multiple perspectives on green algal evolution and the earliest land plants. American Journal of Botany. Doi:10.1002/ajb2.16175

Strother, Paul K. & Clinton Foster. 2021. A fossil record of land plant origins from charophyte algae. Science 373 (6556), 792-796. doi: 10.1126/science.abj2927