Final Episode:

Seeing the Happy Plants!

Activity Card:

This is the activity card that came with your materials. You can learn more about the science and electronics in this episode and view all of the steps and challenges for this week on this card. You can press the "Enter Fullscreen" button to make these cards bigger. Or, you can go here.

LEaFS Weekly activity cards Week 5 Front
LEaFS Weekly activity cards Week 5 back

Step 1 - Weekly Checklist

Make a weekly checklist that you can continue to use to make sure your system is up and running properly and that your plants are growing! Make a copy of this checklist to get you started. Add to the checklist as you see fit!

Step 2 - Harvesting your plants

As your plants grow there will be different times to harvest each of the plants. Check out this harvest guide for tips about when and how to harvest different plants you might be growing.

Step 3 - Recipe Card

Now that you have plants ready to harvest, it is time to start thinking about what to do with all the food! Create a recipe card for a meal that you can make with the plants you are growing.

Make a copy of this template and edit it online to make your recipe card. Take a look at this example if you are stuck getting started! Be sure to share your recipe card in the reflection section and check out other recipes being shared that you might want to make!

Challenge Yourself

Pick at least one of these challenges to complete this week. Then make sure to share your experiences and thoughts below


Create and enjoy a meal with the plants you are growing! Try a few and pick your favorite for Step 3 of this weeks activities! Check out the video above for an example!


Make your micro:bit display different faces depending on the happiness of your garden due to different conditions like temperature or humidity!


What data can help you know how your garden is doing? Pick data to collect that you can count (e.g., number of leaves) and that are descriptive (e.g., how the plants look).


Respond to the prompts at the top of each column by uploading, pictures, videos or just writing about your experiences. It doesn't have to be perfect, we just want to hear what you've been up to.