Field Work

Field based research is a crucial aspect of all research in the Baxter Group. I create opportunities for all my students to include a field component in their research to gain a fuller appreciation of the challenges and possibilities of reading the geologic record. This research has taken my students and me to carefully selected field areas all over the world where we collect and document the samples that best preserve a record of the diverse past Earth processes we seek to study. Please contact me for more information about field research. Enjoy some examples of our field work in the pictures below!

Besim Dragovic mapping on Sifnos, Greece

Anthony Pollington in the Austrian Alps

Penny Lancaster sampling in Connecticut

Louise Roy and Besim Dragovic on Sifnos, Greece

Katie Eccles and Claire Ostwald in Scotland

Nora Sullivan and Michelle Jordan at Vermont talc mine

Katie Eccles and Claire Ostwald in Glen Clova, Scotland

Anthony Pollington at the garnet cave in the Austrian Alps

Leah Mehl and Julie Barkman on the island of Sifnos, Greece