Frequently Asked Questions



How many people do I need to register?

You must register as a full team of 2 - 3 members. We encourage teams of 3, but teams of 2 are also able to compete. 

Is this competition open to graduate students?

Unfortunately, the competition is limited to current Boston College undergraduate students. 

What are the requirements for the teams?

Each team must be comprised of 2 - 3 Boston College undergraduate students from at least two different majors.

How many winners are there? What do winners receive?

There will be cash prizes for the top 3 teams. First place receives $3,000, second place $1,500, and third place $500.

What is the format? 

Teams will be given 15 minutes for their Powerpoint presentation which will be followed by a 5 minute question and answer session with the judges. Presentations will take place on Friday, March 22 and teams will be notified in advance with their presentation time. 

What are the deliverables?

The final deliverable is a PowerPoint presentation that includes background, stakeholders, implementation, financials, and creativity.

Where do I hand in my final presentation?

Final presentations should be emailed to by 11:59 pm on March 21st. Powerpoint presentations can NOT be revised after this deadline. 

Is there a judging rubric?

Yes, the judges will assess each team with this in mind:

What resources do I have?

For assistance with research:

For assistance with putting together your Powerpoint and tips for presentation: 

For questions regarding sustainability and dining at BC: