NSF Ascend Fellow

Boston College Dept. of Mathematics Department

Email: [caleb.ashley "at" bc "dot" edu]

Phone: [617-552-1201]

Caleb J. Ashley, Ph. D.

I am currently a NSF Ascend Fellow and am working with Professor Martin Bridgeman in the Mathematics Department at Boston College. 

Along with Professor Eli Grigsby, I am a co-Founder & co-Director of the Experimental Mathematics and Machine Learning Laboratory @ Boston College.

Before my current position, I was the Geometry & Topology Postdoc at Boston College. Before that I have held postdoctoral  positions at the University of Michigan, MSRI (now SL Math), and the University of Maryland College Park.

I am pursuing a career in academia as a mathematics researcher, teacher, and mentor.

 Professional Affiliations

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