Junior Winter

Junior Winter -- Overview

Starting in the winter of the junior year, you, your parents/guardians, and your college counselor will work together to find a number of colleges that will suit your skills, interests, and goals. Although many people will help in this process, the final decisions must be yours. Your willingness to accept these responsibilities – the excitement of envisioning your next step after BB&N and the hard work of applying to colleges on time – will indicate your readiness for college and the independence it will offer.

During this process, you will have several primary tasks:

If college is a common topic of conversation in your life, you will hear reports (often conflicting) about specific colleges from various sources – parents, counselors, teachers, coaches, relatives, and well-meaning friends.  Resist stereotypes and rumors – you must investigate for yourself. Start your research online, with MaiaLearning and College Kickstart (our web-based research tools), or with a good college guidebook. As you become interested in particular colleges and universities, keep notes of your findings and questions.


As you begin to understand yourself as a candidate, your college counselor will help you to sort through statistical information regarding former BB&N students, the colleges’ admitted student profiles, and recent admission trends to assess your chances of admission at the colleges on your list.

We hope that by working together, we can provide you with the assistance you will need to successfully navigate the college process. To accomplish this task, each member of the partnership must recognize, understand, and fulfill their own responsibilities.

Junior Kick-Off Event

Click this link to check out the content from the Junior Kickoff Event.

What to Expect From the College Office

What is Expected of Students

What is Expected of Parents