Week of October 23-27


Just the Basics:

Social Studies: We are continuing our study of geographical regions.



Just a note on where I come from when it comes to reporting on learning in report cards:

I feel strongly that setting my students up for success requires me to have high expectations and to provide them with something to strive for. Sierleja ELA grades are earned, not given. I would be doing no one any favors by inflating a grade, or indicating a child is on par when they are not. When you receive your child's report card, please reach out with any questions. Especially since the grades in ELA are not traditional grades, it can be a challenge to interpret just what they mean. If you do have questions, please let me know a good time to call you, as the explanation of these grades is easier given verbally. 

Thank you for the support you give your child each day!

"Children do learn when standards are high and results are measured."-George W. Bush