1:1 Chromebooks

Grade 5 - Chromebook Presentation - September 2023

Grade 5 Chromebook Parent Information

Spanish 5 - Chromebook Presentation - September 2023

Información para Padres sobre las 

Chromebook de Quinto Grado

The new Chromebooks will be issued to all 5th-grade students during school on Monday, September 11th at South Country and Tuesday, September 12th at Gardiner Manor.

To facilitate the issuance of the new devices, students are required to fulfill the following criteria:

Attached, you will find the "District Owned Device Agreement Form".  Additionally, we are offering optional insurance coverage for the Chromebooks. More details about the insurance coverage can be found in the attached document.

We are excited about the possibilities these Chromebooks will bring to our students' learning journey. Thank you for your cooperation and involvement in advancing our educational offerings.

If you have any questions or concerns, email chromebook@bayshoreschools.org

For more information please visit www.bayshoreschools.org/onetoone