Bayless School District and
English Language Learners (ELL)
Bayless Mission Statement
The Bayless School District will provide a safe and enriching environment where ALL children will learn to become responsible and empowered citizens, where diversity builds character and strength, knowledge enhances freedom and opportunity and commitment leads to success.
Understanding ACCESS Scores
ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency test that measures students’ academic English language skills. School districts use ACCESS for ELLs scores to evaluate language support programs, monitor student progress, and as one factor in the decision to exit a student from language support services. ACCESS for ELLs testing allows schools to meet federal and state accountability requirements.
ACCESS for ELLs: Understanding Your Child's Scores Flyer
Requesting Interpreting & Translation Services
Dear Parents/Guardians,
At Bayless we believe that communication with our students parents/guardians is very important. To help facilitate this communication to all of our families we provide interpretation services for any school related communication. Phone interpreters as well as human interpreters are available at any time and for any communication. To use these interpreters please just let the school know and we can make arrangements accordingly. We look forward to communicating with you.
Bayless Lau Plan
The district plan designed to meet the instructional needs of English Learners (ELs) is referred to as the Lau Plan (named from the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Lau v. Nichols, 1974). This is a working document that details the current district practices and procedures as well as any changes in program requirements.
Contacting ELL
Federal Programs Coordinator - (314) 256-8620 ext 2304
Kelly Klocke
Elementary Office - (314) 256-8620
ELL Teachers: Rhonda Erickson, Tate Haugan, Terra Kehlenbrink, Tiffany Maloney, Katie McIlwain
Junior High Office - (314) 256-8690
ELL Teachers: Carolyn Mitchell, Sarah Reeves
High School Office - (314) 256-8660
ELL Teachers: Monika Hasanbasic, Sarah Reeves, Rachel Winkeler