Bawley Ridge & Wedding Venues & Transport
Bawley Ridge Farm is the perfect romantic retreat for wedding accomodation. We are very close to several excellent wedding venues (see map) and if you are not staying at the wedding venue itself, Bawley Ridge Farm Cottage and/or Farmhouse may be the perfect accomodation for you (the cottage sleeps 2-3 and the Farmhouse 4-6). We have already hosted multiple wedding guests and several brides and grooms for their wedding night or honeymoon!
What's more, we can provide transport to and from the venue! Ubers and cabs are hard to get in these parts and can be very pricey, whereas we offer a competitive fare and are happy to drop off and pick up anytime up until 1am. Just ask us about transport when you book the accommodation.
Wedding venues near Bawley Ridge Farm
see all on
The Barn On The Ridge
Standing 130 / Seated 100 / Sleeps 2
Jackson Ranch by Bannisters
Standing 200 / Seated 150 / Sleeps 40
Bawley Vale Estate
Seated 120 / Sleeps 6
Cupitt's Estate
The Old Church At Milton
The Oaks Ranch
Websites to find wedding venues in Shoalhaven & NSW south Coast
Taxi & Transport Services for weddings in Bawley, Milton & Ulladulla area
Plan B Passenger Service in Ulladulla - 0433 550 780 - Facebook - - 0419 169 105 - Facebook