ONline Independent Science Project

Contents of this page: Examples, steps, timeline and rubric (criteria) of the ISP

Check Out the Sub-pages Included with the ISP Above Under the SCIENCE Tab

▼ ONline Independent Research

research, writing the report and it's all in the presentation

SCIENCE: Please start turning in your writing for the ISP on 5/29 until June 3rd for full credit. Please include the bibliography.

Start turning in the presentation on June 5th through June 9th for full credit.

After students receive their writing/bibliography back, they are encouraged to incorporate changes/edits/recommendations to improve their final presentation.

Therefore, this week’s science assignment (6/1 - 6/5) is to implement suggestions from returned papers and complete their presentations!

Turning in your ISP




100 points - RESEARCH

1 category with <5 sources = D, 5 sources = C, 6 or more sources that includes 2 categories = B, 7 sources that include hands-on and a third category = A) (Please see below for categories.)

Categories: On-Site/Interviews Internet articles Media (Video, TV, Audio) Book(s) Experiment(s)/Simulations/Models and other hands-on work Other

Sources will be turned in through Google Classroom Assignment, "Turn in all ISP writing with Bibliography". Please use Google Docs, Add-ons tab, EasyBib Bibliography Creator, AND group bibliography by category. (place all internet articles together, all media together...)


___ Factors in the 100 points includes , use of CER (Claim, Evidence and Reasoning) and COS (Content, Organization, Style) in the writing, titles and all written text.

Plagiarism = 0 grade here Written work DUE 5/29 unless extension requested

100 points - DISPLAY - It's all in the presentation

variety of media  complete theme error free connection of all parts looks great easy to follow and understand


___ Factors in the 100 points includes relevancy, effort and final product

ISP week 4

Slide-show from 5/27 science class.

The Slide show below has examples of previous IS Projects - please look them over.

The Honey bees display was very comprehensive with drawings, life stages, colony life and even made products from honey.

This tri-fold actually had a roller coaster wrapped around the display! I missed getting the picture of it. You can see how the display was cut out for the coaster. It was a working coaster made from a kit.

ISP Independent Science Project

Traditionally, the class would have all their displays set up during the late spring open house and BBQ. This year we will be using Google Slides. Within the slides, students could take photos and video of anything they made like a tri-fold board, posters, experiments, anything built...

The Zebra display was an eye-catcher and scored high in presentation for neatness and creativity.

Independent Science Projects

Both videos are winning entries to the yearly Google Science Fair.

Watch and listen for the steps involved in the process: 1st video -

1. observation

2. ? and idea

3. research

4. Hypothesis

5. Sharing ideas and interviews

building an app - more research, trials, success, conclusions

Now, see if you can identify any of these steps and other steps in the next video on sound.

Now, Let's Do This. Follow the path...

This is our introductory slideshow - the BIG picture

1. Start with ideas and develop a topic.

2. Initial research to understand and organize your path (then keep reading all the way through the project to become an expert on the topic).

3. Now go in one of these 3 directions:

a. make and conduct an experiment using the scientific method

b. use the engineering process to build a replica, prototype, improve a design feature or invest something new

c. make or build something to help us understand your topic better - a simulation, diorama, model...

4. Write about your work in a complete and detailed way to help us understand what you learned.

5. Put all your work in a package that will be organized, complete, accurate, and impressive.

Introducing the ISP
Let's Do This Ideas to ....mp4

FIRST start thinking...

Start with an idea, think about it, and come up with a plan.

Also - start researching, reading, watching, sharing

(see drop down Research sub-page above)


Decide which path you want to pursue for your hands-on content

The Scientific Method/Science Fair path ...........The Design Engineering path..............The hands-on display to help others understand my topic.

ISP week 1 hands on paths.mp4

Research Plan:

  • Purpose
  • Independent Variable (What you change to see what happens to the dependent variable. If I increase the force on an object
  • Hypothesis - a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  • How you will carry out your experiment
  • Conclusions/evaluations

Here is one Path - the Science Fair Approach


See supplemental page link at the top of this web-page


See supplemental page link at the top of this web-page