
As the school year starts and progresses, your student will receive a variety of usernames and passwords, and it will be very important that they secure this information in their binder. Past students have had good luck using a clear zippered folder that has 3 holes punched in it, specifically for 3-ring binders.

Maple Grove School's Website - click:

Battle Ground Public School's Website - click:

Back in the ancient days (not as far back as dinosaurs, but close), we had sets of encyclopedias that sat on a shelf, either at home or in the library. When we wanted to look some information up about a particular subject, we had to open the particular encyclopedia by hand to look for our subject - can you imagine that? In your lifetime, everything is online! And Battle Ground Public Schools provides a free online information resource to all of it’s students - World Book Online. This is a great starting point point for any research that you might be doing, as well as exploring anything else that you might be interested in! To access World Book Online, go to

Your World Book username is bgworld

Your World Book password is wbonline