Google Drive Ready (aka Cloud ready)

Step # 1: Google Mail - Here is the BASD G Suite for Education Gmail Link. This page offers helpful links to better enable you to use your BASD Google email account.

GMail Part 1: Learn how to navigate to your Gmail page (using the Chrome Browser), configure your inbox, look at some settings, and make labels, delete mail you don't need, and send emails directly to your Google Calendar!

Google Account - Google Mail.mp4

GMail Part 2: Only for those still using the Apple Mail (Postage Stamp). This video shows how you transfer old saved Apple Mail email up into your BASD Google Account. ** Remember clean out old Apple Mail Folders before you drag old mail up to the BASD Google Account to be saved.

Google Account - Google Mail Part 2.mp4

Step # 2: Your Files - Here is the BASD G Suite for Education Google Drive Link. This page offers helpful links to better enable you to use your BASD Google Drive account.

Your files on your Mac: Basic and simple you have a lot of files on your Mac computer that need to be saved up into the cloud. To do this we need to get them in order. Please follow the steps below to complete this process.

Part 1: Organize! While this might be a daunting task, the first step you should complete is to Look through all your files on your Mac computer and delete/trash any file you have made or saved that you are not ever going to use again. In doing this, also organize your files in separate folders (and or within folders) either on your Desktop or in your Documents folder. Throw out what you don't need and keep what you do need.

** School related photos... if you come across school related photos you want to save, please isolate them in an organized folder, labeled accordingly.

** Movie and Music files types will be looked at in another lesson, but please also organize these too in folders.

Part 2: File Types: The below files types can be copied to your Google Drive folder easily after they are organized on your Mac.

  • Microsoft Word
  • Excel Spread Sheets
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Any PDF
  • .png, .gif, .jpeg are image files, they go in the Photos folders you are making
  • .mov, .mp4, .mp3,

** Pages, Sheets, and Keynote files will need to be converted and then organized. The below video will be helpful to see how this process is done.

Google Docs: Using Apple Pages in Google Docs. Converting Pages to Microsoft Word then to Google Docs. Remember: Convert the Pages file to Word, and organize them in folders. Once the Pages file is converted, there is no need to save the Pages file in the folders you will be dragging up to your Google Account. Isolate them separately in a folder or throw them out.

** This process of converting Pages files is the same for Sheets and Keynote files. Sheets converts to Excel and Keynote converts to PowerPoint.

** Please note, some formating issues will occur on some Pages and Keynote files.

Pages to Word to Google Docs