How Do I...?

Not sure how to use library services? 

Start here. 

Still not sure?

Email Mrs. Sarge or stop by the library for assistance. 

Need a loaner Chromebook?

You may check one out from the library before homeroom only.  Please return it by the end of the day. If your Chromebook is not working and you need a tech request loaner, please see Vicky in the Student Office. 

How do I put a book on hold?

Change your mind?

If you no longer want the book to be on hold for you:

How do I get a book from a different BASD school's library?

If that doesn't work because it doesn't give you different location options...try this:

How do I see what I have out, when it's due, and if I have fines?

How do I renew my checked out items?