The Graham and Collin Show

The Graham and Collin Show: Episode 23

Joe Cassavaugh: Digital Game Designer

In this episode we talk to a game developer and coder, Mr. Joe Cassavaugh. He has developed and created the "Clutter Franchise" of games, and is a proud owner too. The clutter franchise has made over 5 million USD, and is continuing to grow. These games are a mind bender, and require real logic and skill. You can check out these games by visiting

Listen to Episode 23 Next To The Page!


The Graham and Collin Show: Episode 22

Mr. Joshua Sullivan, Mrs. Caroline Bucky-Beaver, Mrs. Jennifer Deckard, Mr. Tajshmon Brooks, Ms. Bethany Barnes:

In this episode we see five amazing teachers and staff apart of our school the Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy come together for an all exclusive interview. This episode is a video production created by The Graham and Collin Show, and is an awesome addition to the collection. We learn what BASA is like, and how it is unique from the other schools in Barrow County. This is an amazing episode and a definite must listen.

Listen to Episode 22 Next To The Page!

Pete The Cat: Art Project

In Progress Development: Still Pending

The Graham and Collin Show presents, in partnership with the Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy, and the City of Winder an amazing and most definitely wonderful art project. In this project we will create small Pete the Cat figurines, and place them around downtown Winder, in a scavenger hunt type activity for all ages. More information will be coming soon just stay tuned!
