About Us

How We Met

Walking into an unknown territory can be frightening, you feel insecure as if you have no way out. Going into middle school is exactly like this. The only way to get past this feeling of being insecure is to speak out. Start to release your inner self, create relationships with those around you. This is what they did. Both of them began to learn more about each other. They found that their personalities fit so well together that they became very good friends. While exploring what their innovative learning program (AIM) has for the two of them, they came across the Music Technology Class. In this class you learn and explore how to create digital media and music using a program called Soundtrap. When exploring this program they thought about the different songs, beats, and soundtracks that they can make, completing in class activities. Collin was brainstorming and thought of the clever idea to explore the world of podcast. Now all he had to do was find a partner. Thinking of the person who can show their personality to a crowd he looked at his good friend Graham who was an amazing public speaker. They came together and formed something that they knew would be great. The only thing is what is the podcast about? Well...after many days of brainstorming Graham wanted to find out more about the people around them. Why not center our podcast around this? Well they did! Now as a twenty episode podcast they have become more confident than ever!


Our Future Plans and Goals

The Graham and Collin Show is continuously growing, and our hopes are big! With your help we can accomplish everything that we would love to do. Our goals are expansive and stretch wide, but as a little look here are our top goals for the 2022-2023 school year here at the Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy:

  1. Reach 45 Episodes by May of 2023 (Big Goal, But We Can Do It)

  2. Accommodate the Ability to Create and Post Material on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music

  3. Create a More User Friendly Website, and Have Our Own Custom URL

  4. Begin To Post on All Social Media Platforms (Tik-Tok, Instagram, Facebook)

  5. Grow to 1,500 Listeners Per Month

Well, what do you think? Can we reach the goal? Fill out the survey on the home page and tell us what we need to do to improve our podcast. Any feedback is welcomed!