
Creator, Producer,

Social Manager, and Host

"Pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you" -Dave Ramsey

Work and work and work! I center my life around work. I enjoy public speaking! It allows me to get out in the world and help people through what they need. I am doing this show with Collin so that we can get to help the world understand their leaders. This is our big dream. I myself enjoy the day-to-day life of busy. Though art is not my strong suite, I love to work on creative and artistic movements because of what they offer. I crave for that need to be GREAT, and I hope all of you do to! I want to prove to BASA our talent, and what we can do. We can only accomplish this with your help! Now at a school much bigger than our small innovative program (AIM) we have to explore many new possibilities. Just getting larger, and more open as a podcast. The only way that we can do this is with your help! Spread this podcast to family, friends, and please feel free to give as much feedback as you can.

"Life is full of dreams, some will come true others will not. Wish for those dreams, and hope that they are good." -Graham Mull