Grades K-2

The Reflection In Me

Love You. Celebrate you. Say nice things to you.

Remember--YOU are the ONLY YOU in the entire universe!

Balancing Technology in Our Lives

Finding a balance with technology can be tough but it is so important. This video helps kids learn the importance of having a balance of activities along with technology.

Try to Be the Pond in this activity from Cosmic Kids Yoga

Source: Cosmic Kids Yoga

How is your problem- solving going?

Remember to "Choose Three before Me" when you have a problem. Unless someone is hurt or going to get hurt, try to solve your problem at least 3 positive ways before you report to an adult. Becoming a problem-solver is a huge step in becoming your best self.

Challenge: The next problem you encounter today, choose a way from our problem-solving wheel to solve it. Then, to add your name into the hat an additional time for a free pizza, complete the form below.

We have discussed the word empathy in guidance class, but before you complete the activity below, you must fully understand the word--empathy. Click the button below for a short video.

Empathy Lesson--Walk a Mile in my shoes

Look closely at the person on each slide and answer three questions out loud or with a friend, sibling, or parent.

Let's begin. For slide one...

  1. How do you think this person is feeling?

  2. What could have happened to make the person feel this way?

  3. How would you feel if you were this person?

Now go on the the next slide...

Click on the button links below for a variety of activities. I picked them out just for my K-2 PCE Bears!

Everyone Loves

Howard B. Wigglebottom

Click on the button above and you will find stories starring Howard B. Wigglebottom come to life! Watch them all and work on becoming your best self!

Square Breathing, Anyone?

You are going to love square breathing! Do your best to follow the fish, breathing in when he swims up, holding your breath when he swims to the side, and exhaling when he swims downward. See If you can focus to finish the video with your breaths. Click the button below to begin.

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