Grades 3-6

Kid President is back with 20 things that we should say more often. Challenge: Choose one of the top 20 and write it on a piece of paper or a sticky note and place somewhere you will see often. Try incorporating it into your daily language. Now that's something to talk about!

The Truth About Your Brain

How does your brain grow? And how can you begin growing your brain even stronger? This video helps to explain why the learning pit can be a good place to be!


Do You Need to Take a Peace Walk?

Practicing social distancing can be difficult at your age, especially when you want nothing more than to be with your friends. It can also be difficult because it means that you and your siblings are together all day, every day. I wanted to remind you of our powerful peace walks. Perhaps you need to take a peace walk with someone and then put things behind you and move forward. The document here will help remind you of the steps
Social distancing might even have you in your feels and you realize that the struggles you were having with someone at school are really small and insignificant compared to Covid-19. I encourage you to go on a peace walk with that person via phone or Facetime and put differences behind you. If you do go on a peace walk (whether it be with a friend, parent, sibling, or cousin), hop on down to complete the form below. If you complete the form by this Wednesday, then your name will go into a drawing for a free pizza to be delivered to your family :). So what are you waiting for?

I Took a Peace Walk so...

Use this google form to answer a few brief questions about your peace walk. Remember, if you submit the form by Wednesday of this week, then your name will be put into a drawing for a free pizza. :)


Are you taking care of you?

So what are you doing each day FOR YOU? ilearn @home, chores, your friends, your family, your responsibilities and your pets are all important. But none are as important as YOU. If you don't fill yourself up each day then it is difficult to give of your time and energy. Even if it is just for 10 minuets, you need to take care care of you, sharpen your saw. This is crucial in becoming your best self and moving the mountains in your life. Head on over to the Mindfulness page or look at the list above for starters!

Multiple Intelligences: Where does your intellignece fall?

It amazes me to see things that some of you are able to build or draw, or hear some of the musical notes you are able to reach. We all have a type of intelligence. So where does your intelligence fall?

As always, I am an email away. Please send me an email if you need to chat.

Need Help with ilearn? Study Hacks to the Rescue

Reviewing learned information using ilearn@home can be difficult. It can be even more difficult to "ilearn" new information. This cool video teaches you 3 ways to learn and remember new information. In the coming days and weeks, try one of these study hacks! You can even apply the hacks to becoming the best athlete on the field or the best musician on the stage.

Random Acts of Kindness Even during Social Distancing

Spreading kindness does not have to stop just because COVID-19 has social distanced us from one another. In fact, it's more important than ever!

What are you doing during COVID-19 to spread kindness? Maybe you are giving 10 random compliments to friends each day over social media or maybe you are doing something randomly kind for someone in your house each day.

Join those who are making a difference:

*Barren County School District is delivering FREE food to students.
*Some PCE teachers shared encouraging thoughts on posters and placed them in the windows of the school to bless those who drive by.
*Some restaurants have delivered free meals to those on the front lines working in healthcare.
*PTO is donating a pizza delivery each week to a PCE family.

Challenge: How can you use your talents to share kindness with others? Or how can you go out of your way to do something for someone else...maybe even in your own home? More than ever...spread kindness!

Is Your Phone Changing You?

I love my phone as much as the next person and I'm not suggesting to go on a phone hiatus, or break, but take a look at this quick video. How many apply to you? Is your phone truly changing you?

Be sure to hop over to the Mindfulness page for additional activities and come back soon for updates!