Your Task

Main Task

You are the Mayor of the town of Volcanius which is located in the north of Iceland. Since the volcano, Mount Eruptalot, erupted last year and destroyed most of the town, most of your residents have moved away and your town now stands in disrepair.

To prevent your town from becoming completely empty you need to encourage new people from around the world to move to your town.

You therefore need to write a persuasive text to advertise the benefits of living in Volcanius. You need to include all of the possible benefits that you have learnt about today.

Don’t forget everything you have learnt in Literacy – use your persuasive skills!

How to submit your work:

There are different ways you could submit this task. Choose the way you want to do it.

You could:

  • Handwrite your persuasive text

  • Type your work up on a computer/laptop and print it to show your teacher

  • Complete the Google Forms, which will automatically submit to your teacher (Click your class)

Things to consider

•Title implies a point of view

•Reasons to support the viewpoint

•Facts and evidence to support reasons

•Conjunctions to link ideas (e.g. however, therefore, furthermore)

•Persuasive devices: Agreement (e.g. obviously, without doubt)

•Powerful adjectives

•Rhetorical questions

•Conclusion to summarise and state opinion

Fact Sheet

help sheet Why do people live near volcanoes.docx