

Your Task

Task 1

All worksheets needed for this lesson are available below. These should have been provided by your teacher but if you can't find them, please use these to help you.

Use your knowledge to label the diagram of the water cycle and explain the process.

Use the vocabulary to help you.

How to submit your work:

  • Complete the Google Forms, which will automatically submit to your teacher (Click Mild, Spicy or Hot below - Challenge Yourself!)

Worksheets are also available to print if needed

mild spicy hot water cycle diagram.docx

Task 2

Using what you have learnt and the information sheet, your task is to create an information text about drought.

It could include details about:

•What is a drought?

•Why do droughts happen?

•Which areas of the world are prone to drought and why?

•What effects do droughts have on people?

•What effects do droughts have on the environment?

drought info sheet.pdf

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