Presentations for recruiting students

One of the best ways to reach students is by going to classrooms and giving short, 5 minute presentations. Take one of these powerpoint templates and adapt it to fit your program!

5-10 minute presentation for class visits

Instructions: Download this PowerPoint template and adapt it to your group's needs. The idea of this presentation is to take to classes to have a bit of visual background as you explain your program.

The first few slides are for you to fill in with your program specific details (pricing, dates, academic focus, course credits, etc). You can then remove or add a few slides to cover some of the activities and field trips you've built into the program. We've included lots so feel free to remove things! The last section includes some visuals of the city.

Another suggestion for class visits is to show a video or two from our videos page.

Whatever you choose to do, class visits can be incredibly impactful way of talking to students about your program. Don't forget to bring a sheet to collect student's names and emails if they are interested.


pre-departure orientation