Pre-departure Orientation

If you are planning a pre-departure orientation session, feel free to ask a member of our staff to join the call. We are more than happy to assist in ensuring that your students are ready for the adventure ahead.

Alternatively, we wanted to share this template for a pre-departure orientation. Please download the template and edit as needed to fit your program. It is particularly important to update the pages about insurance coverage, housing, arrival and airport pick up, so please ask a Barcelona SAE staff member for more details on what your group should expect.

Pre-Departure Orientation For Faculty ToolKit (1).pptx

You need to edit 2 slides of the presentation in order to tailor it to your program needs. All the sentences that need to be changed are highlight in yellow so that they are easy to recognize. Follow the instructions below:

SLIDE 1 - The program

Add the Name of the Program and your University.

For example:

Spanish Literature - University of Michigan

SLIDE 4 - Your neighbourhood

You will be staying in a specific neighborhood(s) in Barcelona. The blue arrow should point to the correct one(s).

All the information on the right side of the slide should also be customized to your program. If you are not sure about what to put there, contact your program planner.