Keyboard Controls

Keyboard Controls

What is a keyboard control? A keyboard control is a faster way to do something using controls. ( ctrl). Some of them are:

  • Ctrl + H = Acces history or if you are on web based softmare find and replace
  • Ctrl + W = delete tab
  • Ctrl + R = reloade
  • Ctrl + J = go to downloads
  • Ctrl + S = save image
  • Ctrl + P = print
  • Ctrl + B = Bold
  • Ctrl + I = italic
  • Ctrl + D = Bookmark tab you are in
  • Ctrl + T = new tab
  • Ctrl + O = open files
  • Ctrl +F find
  • Ctrl + N = New window

What is copying and Pasting?

Copying and pasting is a way to take text in one spot to a different spot.

Copying and pasting

There are 2 different ways to copy and paste. One way is this way:

1. Drag your mouse over some words so you can see a light blue color over the words.

2. Click with 2 fingers and when options pop up, click on the one that says copy.

3. Do number 2 again but when options pop up click paste

The second way is this:

1. Do the same thing as number one from the first way.

2. Push the ctrl ( control) and right after push c.

3.Do the same thing but instead of pushing c push v.