About Us

The Committee

Amy Ewing

- Secretary -

Studying geological oceanography with a love of big pockets on walking trousers, Amy is easily identified by lagging behind to pick up any particularly pretty rock she sees. Though perhaps not as mountainly-experienced as her fellow committee members, she has a driving passion to get up there and do it, come rain or shine! She is an advocate for the ever-increasing inclusivity in the club, hoping to encourage those with all abilities and backgrounds to take part and have fun (and preferably not fall off a mountain in the process).

Secretaries are the ones keeping the club informed about the what, where and how… And very occasionally The Who.

Aidan Kuhlmann

- Captain-

Resembling Shaggy from Scooby Doo and/or Mr Tumnus, Aidan is a ‘do it all’ for pretty much everything outdoorsy. Coming from the Yorkshire Dales, but being in close range of the Lake District, Aidan is an all weather outdoorsman from winter climbing to moorland stomping! He is currently working towards his ML which he is planning on continuing with MCI and WML qualifications. Teaching along the way to anybody, whether they want to be taught or not.

Captains are the people who make sure stuff happens. In his first year as club Captain, Aidan is buzzing with ideas to improve the club.

Lydia de Brett

- Vice Captain -

If you can hear singing you know that she’s probably approaching. One of the louder members of the club, Lydia had never seen mountains before coming to UMWC, so you could say we birth’d her. Achievements include receiving the highest number of death threats on any walk and being the only person to bring crochet to club training. And not to forget juggling her way up Snowdon.

Vice captains are the coordinators of the committee with half of their job being to make sure the Captain doesn’t cry.

Dylan Bridgen

- Treasurer -

It’s likely you’ll recognise Dylan as the one running head first into freezing cold water and Lydia shouting after him because it’s not on the risk assessment. He is also our only Welsh speaking committee member, so you know what that means; he will cringe whenever he’s in ear-shot of anyone mispronouncing the Welsh mountain names. He comes from somewhere in Wales but we have yet to work out where.

Treasures are the money people who ensure that the club can be kept up and running. And will hunt you down if you don’t pay coach money.

Amelia Oliver

- Social Secretary -

Views her degree as a side hustle, because the love for the outdoors will always be the main hustle. When not up a mountain she’s probably down a cave and will try and entice you in. Mealy is currently working towards her ML and cave/mine leader qualifications in between joining Dylan in all the bodies of cold water. We’re honestly not sure when she does her actual uni work.

Social secs make the non walkey stuff happen. Hit the social sec up if you want a Harp discount card.

Tobias Turner

- Gear & Safety Officer -

Hailing from very mountainous Sussex and providing many of the death threats towards the vice captains singing, Tobias (or Toby, even he doesn't know) can be identified by a big red coat, the pint of cider in his hand and a dodgy beard. He is currently working towards his ML qualification through sea scouts as well as bagging all of the 282 Scottish Munros when not working on his degree.

Tobias knows a thing or two about gear and safety and loves to share knowledge so he is the person to ask if you want to know about equipment, maps and training for the club .

Club Structure


Committee Members - Elected by members at the clubs AGM the committee administrate the club. This involves organising all events, managing funds and social media, and otherwise keeping the club alive.

Senior Leader - Senior Leaders are confident experienced members of the club who are tasked with leading groups of all abilities on walks.

Leader - Leaders are senior members of the club who assist first leaders in leading groups and lead hill and lowland groups.

Members - Everyone is a member, while they have no responsibility to lead, all members are expected to assist in keeping activities safe and sensible.


Leader training is run throughout the academic year often starting in November. The training is open to anyone who is interested, and we encourage members to attend. The content of the training is derived from the Mountain Leader qualification. Those wishing to become leaders are assessed by the Captain & Gear & Safety Officer.

First aid training is also organized annually giving all members the chance to acquire an REC Level 2 qualification. This is the recommend qualification for any looking to work in the outdoors.

Member training is professionally led training intended to give any member the confidence to get out and about in the welsh mountains. Find out more about the course here.

Club Standards

Our Constitution

This document outlines policies the Club adheres to. These rules are to be followed to help keep the Club at a high standard and best practice. It is accepted the Constitution must be updated to remain relevant. Each year at our AGM the current committee will ask Club members to vote on additions and amendments to it in order to keep it up-to-date. If you have any questions or suggestions about the Constitution please contact us.

UMWC Constitution - 03/04/2019

Other policy we adhere to

  1. The Countryside Code

  2. Natural Resources Wales

  3. The British Mountaineering Council

  4. Undeb (Student Union)

Insurance Policy

All registered members of the club are covered under Undeb's insurance policy which has been agreed in accordance with the UMWC's health & safety policy. Any questions about this should be directed toward the Captain, Gear & Safety officer or a relevant Undeb representative.