
This video breaks down the different parts of the URL (Uniform Resource Locator), commonly called a link, to show how hackers can manipulate them, making slight variations of trusted websites to trick unsuspecting users. Learn how you can be sure that a website is secure.

Read the infographic linked above to learn how staying safe starts with you. Large-scale cyberattacks make the news, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Cybercrime is on the rise, and the majority of attacks go unreported.

This infographic explains social engineering, which is the art of manipulating or deceiving you into taking an action or divulging sensitive information. Click the link below to learn about three common attacks and how to avoid them.

In this study guide, you can learn about social engineering and ways you can protect yourself from social engineering attacks. If you familiarize yourself with common social engineering methods, you may be able to recognize and stay safe from an attempted social engineering attack. Print this handout to use for reference.

This module will show your employees some ways that cybercriminals use phishing to try to reel them in and break into your organization’s computer networks. Their goal is to trick employees into taking an action that will allow them to steal proprietary or customer-sensitive information. This module will also provide some tips for staying safe that can be used in the field.

Oh no! A hacker is inside your organization and has spotted an unlocked workstation. It is a race against time! Answer security awareness training-related questions correctly, and you will move closer to the workstation. Answer incorrectly, and the hacker will move closer. Stop the hacker, get to that workstation, and save the organization. Game on!

The concept “Working From Home” (WFH) has gone mainstream, and is often the preferred way for some positions to get maximum productivity. Apart from that, it’s also an effective way for organizations to assure business continuity when unexpected circumstances like natural disasters or pandemics crop up. This training module helps your average user understand the challenges and trains them to stay secure online while working from home.