Tribe University of Notre Dame de Namur (Argonauts)

 Grade 6a - Ms. Teanisha Hudson

Tribe of San Francisco State University (Gators)

 Grade 6b- Ms. Arianna Niu

Tribe University of Washington (Huskies)

 Grade 7a - Ms. Ellie Andrews

I am from London and grew up in the U.K. I graduated from Camberwell College of Arts with a BA in Illustration. I highly value the opportunity I had to study, as this inspired me to create an Art Club at Hoover. This is a space intended to develop creative skills and ensure that art is accessible to all youth within our program. 

I moved to San Francisco 5 years ago. I have 4 years of experience working in SF schools, I previously worked in at Redding Elementary school. I joined the team at BACR because I wanted to work within a role that was devoted to developing school and community youth engagement. I love working alongside a team that shows their commitment to empowering youth as they navigate their journey through middle school. In my free time I enjoy making ceramics and taking photography. I also love cooking with my family and taking my dog for walks in the park.

Tribe University of Georgia (Bulldogs) 

Grade 8A - Ms. Andrea Serpa

I am an SF native and have lived here for a majority of my life. I earned my bachelor's degree at UC Santa Cruz and have been working with youth for over 6 years now. I started teaching aquatic sports to those who fall under the scouting umbrella (I.e: boy scouts, venture scouts, and sea scouts) but found my passion in education.  I believe everyone should have a right to an education and strive to influence young people to never give up on their academic pursuits. One of my long term goals is to be able to create a space for first generation students where they can seek and find resources regarding scholarships, housing, medical care and everything in between. I am also very interested in the arts and actively write music on my ukulele. 

Ms. Tina Huang

Chinese Family Liaison

I immigrated to the United States over ten years ago. Having attended elementary, middle school, high school and college in SF, my upbringing has given me a deeper understanding of Chinese family experiences. Before working as a family liaison, I was a summer camp teacher. I have worked with students from K-8. Now I serve as the bridge between the school, parents and guardians to provide resources for families that they need to help students achieve academic success.

Mr. Cason Yu 

Mental Health Clinician

Site Coordinator of After School Program

Ms. Allison Bamaca

I  was born and raised in SF, my heart will forever belong to this wonderful city! Growing up I attended both private and public schools. I have been working/volunteering with kids for about 9 years now and this is my fourth year working with BACR. Being part of the Hoover community has been a wonderful and enlightening experience. Working with this community has also empowered me to want to continue working with youth especially those with low resources and new to this country. On my free time I love going on hikes with my dog, hanging out with my family and disconnecting from my devices. I also love baking and trying new recipes and planting my own herbs such as: cilantro, basil, and parsley.

Mr. Jeremy Lee -Beacon Director 

I was born and raised in Singapore before I migrated to America at age 9 where my family spent 4 years living in Petaluma, CA. From then on, my family moved between Singapore and America until we settled down in San Francisco in 2000. I completed my Undergrad at San Francisco State University with a degree in Psychology with the plan to advance to a Marriage, Family Therapist program, but found my calling in youth work. I've been volunteering my time in youth programs since 2002 and decided to use that experience to the after school industry. I've been working with Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center, a subsidiary of Bay Area Community Resources, since 2015 at Francis Scott Key as a Program Leader and moved to the Assistant Site Coordinator at Herbert Hoover in 2017. I'm currently married to my wife, Annie, for 10 years, and have two beautiful girls, Chloe, 8, and Chelsea, 4.