Get to know the Staff

Mr. Brandon has been active in the breakdancing community for over a decade. On this clip, we dive deep into his background, involvement with past competitions and how to get started if you are interested in breakdancing.

PLUS! Get a glimpse of his dancing chops when I challenge him to a virtual dance-off!

Mr. Chris has been with us since 2017 and is one of our original team members that started at Hoover under the SNBC(BACR) banner. He loves to share his experiences in his middle school days and is always ready to help his students navigate through life. 

Mr. Jeremy challenges Mr. Chris to a game of basketball, but with a virtual twist! Check out who gets schooled in this modified shootout!

Ms. Andy is one of our newer members of our team, but she's definitely knows a bit of everything. Check out her different talents and experiences that she freely shares with her students in these videos!

Ms. Andy has a deep background in music and she shares how one can get into music or how to get over stage fright. 

Ms. Andy shows Mr. Jeremy how to put on lipstick and she shares easy tips on how to get some good color on your lips. 

Ms. Sherman is our Beacon Chinese Family Liaison and she shares in this video on her love for traveling and food. 

Mr. Jeremy plays a little whacky game with Ms. Sherman, which involves a Plinko board and some drinkable ingredients. See what crazy concoctions are mixed and how each of us react to our weird combinations. 

Ms. Becky is our Behavioral Health Specialist at our Beacon department. In this video, Ms. Becky shares all the different parts of the country she's been to and what each city means to her. 

Mr. Jeremy plays a quick game of charades with Ms. Becky. See if charades over Zoom works or whether some actions would get lost in translation.