CV Summary
José Adolfo de AZCÁRRAGA FELIU, born 12-X-1941 in Valencia (Spain), Spanish citizen.
Licenciado (Physics): Univ. Complutense (Madrid), 1963; Ph.D. (Physics): Univ. of Barcelona, 1968
Full Professor (Catedrático) of Theoretical Physics, Valencia University, and member of IFIC, Valencia Univ.–Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), since 1978 (at present Emeritus Professor)
From Sept. 1st, 2012, Emeritus Professor, Valencia University, and member of IFIC (CSIC-UV).
Dept. Theoretical Physics, Facultad de Física, 46100-Burjasot (Valencia), Spain and IFIC, Centro Mixto CSIC-Univ. of Valencia (UVEG)
Tels.: +34-96 354 4554 (office); +34-96 354 4349 (Secret.)
e-mails and web page: , ;
Assistant lecturer / Prof. Agregado interino (non-permanent positions): Univ. de Barcelona (1964-73)
Prof. Agregado de Física Matemática (staff): Univ. de Salamanca (1974-78)
Initiation to research (Ph.D. grant), 1964-66; Honorary CSIC grant (1967-69)
1967 Juan March Foundation prize
2003 Research Prize granted by the Polish Minister Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu
2004 Physics Prize awarded by the Valencian Academy of Sciences, Technology and Humanities
2005 Special Prize World Year of Physics awarded by the RSEF, the RSME and the FECYT [Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología] for the book En torno a Einstein, su ciencia y su tiempo (PUV, 328 p., 2006, 2007).
Languages: English, French, Italian, Valencian and Spanish (mother tongue)
Research interests: Superstring theory, group and geometrical structures in physics.
Author (with J.M. Izquierdo) of the book Lie groups, Lie algebras, cohomology and some applications in physics, Cambridge Monographs in Mathem. Physics (Camb. Univ. Press, 1995, 1998), xvii+455 p.
Editor of the Proceedings of several conferences.
About 180 research papers (most can be found in the e-arXives or under Scientific Papers (in the e-arXives) in
Refereeing: Has acted as referee for Phys. Rev., Nucl. Phys. B, Phys. Lett., J. Phys. A, J. Math. Phys., Am. J. Phys, Ann. Phys. (NY), JHEP, Camb. Univ. Press, etc, and for national and international R+D agencies.
Postdoctoral stay, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK, 1969-71 (24 months)
Visiting Scholar, II Inst. Theor. Phys. Univ. and DESY Hamburg, Germany, June-Aug 1972
Visiting Scholar on sabbatical leave Dept. Theor. Phys., Oxford Univ. and British Council Fellow (acad. year 1975/76) UK
Visiting Scholar, Univ. of Cal. Santa Barbara July and Aug. 1980
Visiting Scholar, DAMTP, and Robinson Coll. bye-fellow, Cambridge, UK (Sabbatical leave: Aug. 1988/ Oct. 89)
St. John’s College (Cambridge) Overseas Visiting Scholar and Visiting Scholar, DAMTP, Univ. Cambrige (96-97)
Many other stays in other research institutions (ICTP-Trieste, Bordeaux Univ., Liège Univ., Lancaster Univ., Durham Univ., Univ. of Wroclaw (Poland), Firenze Univ., Helsinki Univ., Imperial Coll.-London, Padova Univ. etc)
Head, Dept. Theor. Physics, Salamanca Univ. (1974-78); Secretary, Faculty of Sciences, Salamanca Univ. (1977-78)
Head, Dept. Theor. Phys., Valencia Univ. (1978-81)
Member of the Valencia Univ. Board for Postgraduate (‘tercer ciclo’) Studies, Nov. 1989 - June 96
Organizer of the Erasmus PIC 1125, Imperial College-Paris XI-Valencia Univ. and coordinator 1992-96, 1998-2006
Elected member of the Val. Univ. Faculty of Physics Board (‘Junta de Facultad’) until June 96, and 2004-Dec.08
Elected member of five past (5×4 years) periods and of the (2010-13) Valencia University Senate (Claustro)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of AVAP, Generalitat Valenciana (local Valencian Government)
Member of the Programa Academia of the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación.
Member of the national Experts Commission for the Reform of the Spanish University System, 6-V-2012–12-II-2013.
Elected member of the Spanish Colegio Libre de Eméritos
International GIFT Summer Schools (Salamanca 1977; San Feliu de Guixols, 1984) and editor of their Proceedings.
XIXth International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Phys. (Salamanca, 1992).
NATO-GIFT Int. Summer School (co-organizer; Salamanca 1992).
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of many international conferences.
European Physical Society and member of the EPS Council.
Amer. Phys. Soc. (APS; Part. and Fields and Hist. of Phys. Divisons).
Int. Association for Mathematics and Physics (IAMP, M ∩ φ).
Corresponding member of the Real Acad. de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza.
Member of COSCE (Confederation of Spanish Scientific Socities).
Member of the Spanish Int. Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Committee.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Physics Journals (EPS).
Council Member (2007-11), Vice-President (2011-13) and President (2013-2021) of the Real Soc. Española de Física (RSEF).
All possible Spanish university teaching (six periods of five years) and research (six periods of six years) evaluations approved long ago (1999), all of them as ‘Catedrático’. I have lectured extensively in languages other than my own
Ph. D.’s Advisor of the Ph. D. thesis of
V. Aldaya Valverde (Salamanca, 1978) (Apto cum laude and Premio extraordinario)
P. Vindel Cañas (Valencia, 1987) (Apta cum laude)
J.M. Izquierdo Rodríguez (Valencia, 1991, (Apto cum laude and Premio Extraordinario)
F. Rodenas Escriba (Valencia, Dec. 1995) (Apto cum laude and Premio Extraordinario)
J.C. Pérez Bueno (Valencia, Sept. 1998) (Sobresaliente cum laude and Premio extraordinario)
M. Picón Ponce (Valencia, June 2006) (Sobresaliente cum laude)
O. Varela Rizo (Valencia, July 2006) (Sobresaliente cum laude and Premio extraordinario)
C. Miquel-Espanya (Valencia, June 2008) (Sobresaliente cum laude)
E. Fernández Borja (Valencia, Oct. 1st, 2009) (Sobresaliente cum laude)
Head Researcher (‘Investigador principal’, IP), without interruption, of projects with the generic common name ‘Geometry, groups, field theory and supersymmetry’ from 1978 (the last being # FIS2008-01980 until 2013); IP of the Valencia node of the international EU-INTAS project # 2005-06-7928, now ended. Member of the RTN European network Constituents, Fdtal. Forces and Symm. of the Universe, MRTN-CT-2004-005104, now ended. Member of the CONSOLIDER CPAN project CSD2007-00042 (until 31st Dec. 2016)
His research group was funded by the CAICYT, CICYT, AEN (Spanish High En. Physics Agency), by Spanish Ministries of Eduacation/Science (since 1978 until 31-dec-12 without interruption), by the Generalitat Valenciana, the EU (grants refs. above) and by other local and international agencies.
I have given countless talks and written three books and numerous articles on science, educational policy, art and other subjects for the general public. A sample can be found in under "Artículos de prensa y divulgación científica". Co-organizer of the Sala Adolfo de Azcárraga of Art (mostly paintings and some sculpture of Valencian artists of the XXth century) in the Museo de la Ciudad, Valencia.