Welcome to School-Wide Summer Literacy at Oakmont Regional High School!

“Wait, don’t you mean school-wide summer ‘reading’?!” 

Yes...but we now recognize that literacy is so much more than reading and writing! Literacy is a broad term that encompasses many vital skills including: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These skills allow us to make meaning out of what we encounter in the world. Starting in 2018, we decided to expand the shared “one-school summer reading" experience to include all kinds of media formats. This means the required summer assignment could be a book, an audiobook, a podcast, a documentary, or even a combination of various medias. Many of our state and national education standards reflect this multifaceted approach to literacy.  No matter the assignment, we all return to, or begin, our journey at Oakmont having a shared experience - even your teachers and administrators participate!  

Ready to find out what this summer's assignment is? Click the button below!

Taking an AP or Honors course?  

You may have additional summer work! 

Students in honors and/or AP classes must complete BOTH the School-wide Summer Literacy assignment AND any course-specific required summer reading. It is your responsibility to check with your teachers and look for summer coursework posted online. Make sure you check out the "Summer Coursework" link under the Students tab in the top navigation menu of the Oakmont Regional High School website. 

QUESTIONS? Need some help?

Contact Jenna Morin, Oakmont Librarian